Terms & Conditions

Cancellation Policy

If, for some reason, you need to cancel or postpone the appointment, please call Reception on 0455 020 005 at least 24 hours before the appointment. Cancellations received within 24 hours will be charged at the rate of a full session, unless in cases of exceptional circumstances in which case a cancellation fee will be charged at a rate of 50% of the cost of a full session.

Please note: Sydney Psychology Services will send a reminder message the day before your scheduled appointment,however this message is a courtesy service only, and any cancellations received after this reminder message is sent may incur a cancellation fee in line with the above policy.

Credit Card / Debit Card Authorisation

If you cancel your appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice, a cancellation charge will be made on your nominated card in line with the above policy. You will be notified via SMS prior to any charges being made against your card.

Your credit card details will be destroyed upon completion or termination of your therapy.

Charter for the Clients of Psychologist

Before people can work as a psychologist, they must be registered with the Psychologist Board of Australia.

As a client of Sydney Psychology Services, you have the right to expect that:

  • You will be treated with respect at all times
  • You will receive a clear explanation of the service provided
  • Your consent for any service will be obtained by Eleni Michael prior to the Service commencing and
  • as it progresses
  • You will receive an explanation about the nature and limits of confidentiality surrounding the service
  • You will have a clear understanding of the goals you and the psychologist are working toward
  • You will receive a professional and competent service
  • You will receive clear information about fees
  • An estimate of the number of sessions required to achieve your goals will be discussed
  • You will receive a service that is free of sexual harassment
  • You will be shown respect for your cultural background and tradition

Please Note:  If you have any concerns about the above matters, discuss them with your psychologist. If you have concerns about the conduct of your psychologist, you can call the Psychology Board of Australia on 1300 419 495.